What City Should You Live In
Buzz Feed has a quiz for what city should you live in, and my result was…Portland.
That doesn’t come as a huge shock to me. I took it twice with slightly different answers and still got Portland, so then I got suspicious and provided more or less random answers to get Cape Town, so there are different city results!
My parents live across the Columbia River from Portland, near Vancouver, Washington. I’ve spent some time in Portland and, yes, I think it’s a great place to visit and would probably be a fun place to live.
The Fox and the Hound

Tinni and Sniffer
Tinni and Sniffer the Fox. This was originally forwarded to me as an email with lots of commentary about how much these animals love each other. They’re cute. They’re buddies. They are probably happy to consider themselves part of a pack, but love? That feels a little anthropomorphic to me.